Here we will discuss significance of SD application in LO extraction. This article gives you a brief overview of SD application module relevant for BI. The first part deals with Functional flow, Transaction, Tables and their relations.
In SD overview we learn 3 important areas of SD where we do OLAP analysis. Those are.
Sales allow you to execute different business transactions based on sales documents defined in the system.
Four groups of sales documents are differentiated:
Customer inquiries and quotations
Sales orders
Outline agreements, such as contracts and scheduling agreements
Complaints, such as free of charge deliveries, credit and debit memo requests and returns
Shipping is an important part of the logistics chain in which guaranteed customer service and distribution planning support play major roles.
In shipping processing, all delivery procedure decisions can be made at the start of the process by
Taking into account general business agreements with your customer
Recording special material requests
Defining shipping conditions in the sales order
The result is an efficient and largely automatic shipping process in which manual changes are only necessary under certain circumstances.
Billing represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in Sales and Distribution. Information on billing is available at every stage of order processing and delivery processing.
This component includes the following functions:
Creation of:
1. Invoices based on deliveries or services
2. Issue credit and debit memos
3. Pro forma invoices
Cancel billing transactions
Comprehensive pricing functions
Issue rebates
Transfer billing data to Financial Accounting (FI)
Client is the highest level in SAP
Client is representing group or corporate identity and
Under which the SAP system runs normal business
Common data base for the client
Data of one client cannot be accessed from other client
Company signifies a legal unit under the client level that produces its own financial documents, balance sheet and profit and loss statement
Plant is a production facility or a group of storage locations where stocks are kept. Planning and inventory management take place at plant level.
Sales Organization
A Legal unit responsible for selling materials and services for one or more plants and for negotiating Prices and terms of delivery with the Customer.
Distribution Channel
Products, services selling channel to customer
A way of grouping Materials, Products or services.
Sales Area
Combination of
Sales Organization
Distribution Channel
Master Data in Sales and Distribution
The source of master data for sales order includes
Customer master data : Info about customers
Material Master data : Has info about material
Conditions master data : For automatic pricing
Output : Information that is sent to customer using various media
Control tables : Tables maintained in customizing
Customer Master data has these details
General Data
Company Code data
Sales area Data
Excise details
Partner Functions in customer master
Partner functions are terms that describe the people and organizations with whom you do business, and who are therefore involved in transactions. For example, when you create an Activity, based on Customizing settings, it automatically includes the partner functions activity partner, contact person, and person responsible. Partner functions are always assigned to partner function categories, which are hard-coded in the system.
Partner function
Partner function category
Relationship category
| |
Sold-to party
Sold-to party
| ||
Ship-to party
Ship-to party/Service recipient
Is the goods recipient of
| |
Sales prospect
Activity partner
Is the activity partner for
| |
Activity partner
Activity partner
Is the activity partner for
| |
Sales manager
Is the employee responsible for
In general
Sold-to-party : Places the order
Ship-to-party : Receives the goods or services
Bill-to-party : Receives the invoices for goods or services
Payer: Responsible for paying the amount
Sales and Distribution Process Overview
Pre-sales activity
Inquiry and Quotations comes at this stage.
Sales order processing
Acceptance of customer’s Sales order
Important types of Sales orders are
Scheduling agreement
Rush order
Stock transport order
Free of cost order
Order Creation
Out bound Delivery Creation > A document created with reference to Sales order
A delivery document will have header and item

Post Goods issue
Once this is done the outbound delivery status is updated. The billing due list is updated. Material stock will be reduced.
Bills can be created with reference to
Previous bill
After creating billing
Customer accounted debited
Cost of goods sold account credited
Tax & Duties GL account posted
Billing types
Invoice creation

A billing document has header and item
A billing document creation has following effects

Tables Involved
Sales order
VBAK -SD header
VBAP -SD item
VBRK -Billing header
VBRP -Billing item
VTTK -Shipment header
LIKP -Delivery header
LIPS -Delivery item
KONH -Conditions header
KONP -Conditions item
MM01-Create material
VA01-Create sales order
VA32-Scheduling agreement
VF02-Change billing document
VL01 -Create delivery
VK01 -Create sales order
VD01 -Create sales area
FD01 -Create accounting
VA21-Create quotation
VA11-Create inquiry
VA41-Create contract
VA05-List of sales order
The complete SD flow